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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 4

So the lobster was....AMAZING! It was so meaty! There was so much meat in the tail. All i had for dinner was lobster meat and i was so full at the end. Worth the one hundred dollars A spent on it.
So today we didn't do much. I went up to the camp office to pay for an extra day. We are having such a great time i wanted to stay another night. I love the freedom of being able to do that and not have to ask anyone exept A, but he had the same idea. Luckily the cabin wasn't booked until the day we are now due to leave.
I went kayaking today! Another thing i have not been able to do since i was a kid. And last time i did try it, i fell in the water and got giardia. It's a bacteria and boy was i sick! I was on a camp and it made me so sick i had to be taken home. I think that is the most ill i have ever left.
But i did not have that problem this time. It was hard work actually, but great fun. A took some pics but he didn't zoom in so i won't even bother putting them up, however, there is a video. Excuse the use of the F word.
Also, today was the first overcast day we have had since we have been here. And that was ok because it still didn't rain.
So we just relaxed today really. I talked to a water skiier from New Zealand, he was friendly. Though i have noticed that everyone is friendly when your on holiday and that makes such a difference. If only people could be like that when they are not on holidays.
So only a short entry today. Not sure what we are doing tomorrow. Thats the beauty of holidays.

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